Home » Cars for sale in USA » Not Specified » Salem Cruise Lite 24RLXL Camper » 2019 Forest river Salem Cruise Lite 24RLXL Camper for sale

2019 Forest River Salem Cruise Lite 24RLXL Camper

Sale price: $US 150.00
Last update: 27.11.2019
For sale by: Dealer

Technical specifications, photos and description:

Model:Salem Cruise Lite 24RLXL Camper
Type:Travel Trailer
Sleeping Capacity:6
Slide Outs:1
Leveling Jack Included?:Yes
Manufacturer:Forest river
Dry weight (pounds):5063
Length (feet):28
Water Capacity (Gallons):31-40
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2019 Forest River Salem Cruise Lite 24RLXL Camper for sale
Current customer rating: Rating 3 (3) based on 15 votes
2019 Forest River Salem Cruise Lite 24RLXL Camper for Sale
2019 Forest River Salem Cruise Lite 24RLXL Camper for Sale

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Call Scott at 317-447-8662 to own it today! What's better than lounging outside and enjoying fresh air in the shade! That's why this RV comes equipped with an easy to open 16' 0" patio awning! This camper is built for the long haul, with its ship weight of 5063 lbs. and hitch weight of 550 lbs.There is kitchen in this RV that's fully stocked with modern cooking appliances, so you can enjoy healthy, hearty meals at any time! You can store all of your fresh produce, meats, and drinks in the 10.70 cu. ft. refrigerator! If you want hot, sizzling meal for dinner, whip something up on the burner cooktop! Before you leave home, make sure to fill up the 40 gallon freshwater tank for an abundance of clean water on the trip!You'll love the roomy bedroom in this Travel Trailer! It has handsome furnishings throughout to store clothes and sundries, while the regal Queen bed lets you sleep like royalty every night! This cozy camper can sleep up to people!
See Other Salem Cruise Lite Floor Plans Specifications Sleeps Slides Hitch Weight 550 lbs Ship Weight 5063 lbs GVWR 7550 lbs Length 28' 9" Height 10' 4" Width 8' 0" Fresh Water 40 gal Gray Water 40 gal Black Water 30 gal L.P. Capacity 40 lbs Tire Size N/A Furnace BTU 35000

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